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Borgia S01e01 (2011) - Marta Gastini
Christina Jackson In Outsiders (2016)
The Doom Generation (1995) - Rose Mcgowan
Jennifer Lawrence In Serena 2015
Carla Gugino In The Brink (2016)
Charlize Theron In Head In The Clouds (2004)
Salma Hayek In Frida (2002) - 3
Ruth Wilson In The Affair (2014-2015) (4)
Sammi Davis, Amanda Donohoe In The Rainbow (1989)
Britanni Johnson American Beach House 2015
Débora Falabella - Nada Será Como Antes - S01e03
Kasia Smutniak - Inspector De Luca S01e01 (2008)
Isabell Hindersin - The Red Room (2010)
Clémentine Célarié - Le Siffleur
Carla Gugino In Elektra Luxx (2010)
Rihanna - Work (2016)
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Carey Lowell, Jenny Seagrove In The Guardian (1990)
Diana Glenn Satisfaction S02e08 2009
Heléne Yorke - Graves - S01e02
Candy Clark In The Man Who Fell To Earth (1977)
Christina Jackson In Outsiders (2016) - 2
Alexia Giordano Versailles S01e01 2015
Hung - Kaitlin Doubleday
Emily Mortimer - Rosamunde Pilchers - Coming Home - Ep1
Genevieve Aitken - Roman Empire Reign B. - S01e05 - 2
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