Christina Ricci In Prozac Nation (2001)
Claudia Jennings In Luomo Che Cadde Sulla Terra (1976)
Connie Lee In Mr Ds No Thing Tales (2015)
Pam Grier, Roberta Collins In The Big Doll House (1971)
Rosemarie Lindt In Salon Kitty (1976)
Salma Hayek, Karine Plantadit-bageot In Frida (2002)
Tzila Karney - American Hippie In Israel (1972) - 2
Robin Wright In Adore 2013
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Emma Greenwell In Shameless 2010-2016
Glenn Close In Fatal Attraction 1987
Nadine Crocker In Cabin Fever 2016
Natasha Henstridge In Maximum Risk 1996
Natasha Henstridge In Maximum Risk 1997
Rosamund Pike In Gone Girl 2015
Sasha Alexander In Shameless 2010-2016
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